Saturday, March 1, 2008

February 9, 2000 comments, an overview

I don't know whether to put this first or last. I think I'll put it first, then after I post the pieces, I'll convert it to links and repeat it as last, also. Basically, this is a Table of Contents for the over three pages of printed comments I wrote over eight years ago. And the conclusion was so short, I'll just include it here.

I've been thinking about whether I should add new posts to discuss my self-criticisms, and I've decided that instead I will add comments to my own posts to do that.

County (involvement, and non-involvement: when will we cooperate?)
Media (prefer fiber)
Lower Latency
tpc (Qwest)
Usage-based Pricing

So I'll keep looking for a solution. Obviously, I'm not the only one with a problem. Let's cooperate on a solution.

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