Saturday, March 1, 2008

One Thing at a Time

Lest some idea would get lost in a blog post that addresses several separate ideas, I intend to keep each topic separate. There's a problem with that in a blog, though. The most recent post gets so much more attention than previous ones. Even comments about previous posts tend to get added to the newest post, or far fewer visitors to the blog will read those new comments if they are added to the proper previous post. Those two tendencies reinforce each other. And I myself have posted a comment to the wrong post in a blog, and I suppose I could easily post some to the wrong blog. That was one of my first comments I ever posted, but I'm not very confident that I'll never do it again.

Plus, since a blog has a very simple organization of a post and a link to its associated comments, on a page that contains a limited number of posts in reverse chronological order, the flow of ideas gets constricted to a similar model. It's also difficult to find where one left off reading comments to any given post previously. There's probably no solution to any of these bumps on the road, so we'll just have to learn to cope with them. We can re-introduce ideas if it seems important to do that, and certainly the hyperlink capability of the web will help with that.

What I'm getting set to post next comes from comments I printed for a meeting of the Utility Board with a report from the Spivak consultant, dated February 9, 2000. Wow, before the Cerro Grande fire, just about exactly three months before. It was a little over three printed pages. But since it addresses many topics, I'm going to split it up and try to get posts from it that will be fairly close to this OTaaT idea. Wish me luck.

Then I'll cover some of the things I missed, starting with what I got wrong (hmm, did I get anything wrong??,) and things that have come up since. In OTaaT posts. Trouble is, I'll probably blow right past the first page in the process, before much of anybody has read the First Post!

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